Patent File Wrapper Search

USPTO PAIR Data USPTO Bulk Downloads: PAIR Data Google has crawled and packaged USPTO public PAIR data in bulk through 2012 and made it available to the public at no charge, and mirrored public PAIR data sets from Reed Tech until 2015. These data sets are no longer being updated as of 2015.

Accessing Databases at EPO European Patent Register. Cooperative Patent Classification system (CPC) Search for. -get the File Wrapper.

Please visit the USPTO's site for access to the latest downloads. Except for repackaging into zip files, these documents are hosted by Google unchanged. A single zip file is created for each patent application. There is as well as the overview below.

How to access PAIR data using http To access a particular zip file, replace 'APPNUM' in the following URL with an application number of interest: For example:. How to access PAIR data using gsutil For a complete list of available applications, including last-modified dates, you can use the gsutil command-line tool. Download and install gsutil as described.

You do not need to create Google Storage credentials to access this public data. A command like gsutil ls -l gs://uspto-pair/applications/126000. lists the available applications whose numbers begin with 126000. The command gsutil ls -l gs://uspto-pair lists all available applications (quite a long list).

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The gsutil tool can also be used to download files, using the 'gsutil cp' command. Overview of zip file contents Each zip file contains the following:. A README.txt file which indicates when the data was obtained. Data files (.tsv), in tab-delimited text format, compatible with many spreadsheet programs. Each data file represents one tab from the PAIR interface:, /,. Data tables from the PAIR interface are organized in one of two ways:. Labels in the first column.

Patent File Wrapper Search

(Example: “Application Data” tab.) The second column contains the corresponding value (example: “Application number” and “12/102,391”). Labels in the first row.

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(Example: “Transaction History” tab, with labels such as “Date” and “Transaction Description”.) Each subsequent row contains the corresponding values for one data item. (In the example, each row represents a single transaction.). Some.tsv files contain more than one table, separated by a blank line. The “Image File Wrapper” data file is put in a separate directory along with the additional content that it links to. An extra “Filename” column is added to the.tsv file to indicate the appropriate file for each item.

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Image files (.pdf), in. This data is only available for patent applications which have an 'Image File Wrapper' tab on the site. Disclaimer No guarantees are made with respect to the completeness or accuracy of this data.

In particular, the crawl may discover and retrieve additional documents over time, even for applications submitted long ago. Please visit the site for official, current, and complete information.